Monday, May 16, 2005

You've Had This Coming

Your good qualities outweigh your bad ones, Adherbal. But it's close.

You take more from conversation than you give, which is forgivable - my rapier wit needs to skewer something. One might expect, therefore, that you would have a skin proof against verbal thrusts, but you don't; you're actually rather touchy and thin-skinned. Even more surprisingly, you seek out such human interaction, even when you don't need anything or don't want to talk about anything in particular, and you do it all the time.

Maybe it's this self-destructive conversational behaviour that's the cause of your profound depression, in the manner binge-drinking depresses alcoholics. It's as good a guess as any, because you don't have any real problems in your life. Had you a will to be happy, undoubtedly you would manage. Lacking the willpower for that, or really for much of anything, you're in a tough spot. All the same, try to whine less, act more, and while you're at it, be less of a tool.


Blogger Sasha said...

mmmmm feeling forced introspection and inclinations towards self-improvement coming on...

7:53 PM  

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